SuppoRRT Champion and LTFT Lead
Jo Seward (consultant Breast Surgeon)
Induction videoMiss Seward has worked at the Countess since 2014. Going less than full time from 2006, She has a wealth of experience of having worked in slot shares, reduced hours and supernumary posts. In March 2019 she took up the post of Trust Less Than Full Time (LTFT) Lead and more recently from July 2019 the SuppoRTT Champion.
This post supports those who are less than full time and provides guidance to others who may be interested in it.
For further guidance see HEENW Website
I have an overview of all LTFT trainees within the trust and will be available to advise and assist any trainee within the trust, regardless of grade and specialty, on any concerns they have over the LTFT process and the LTFT experience. This role is designed to improve existing support for LTFT training rather than replace existing support to individual trainees.
Trainees of either sex can apply for less than full-time training, but must have well founded reasons why full-time training is impractical
There are three eligibility categories:
Category 1: Those doctors in training with:-
- A disability or ill health
- Caring responsibilities for children up to and including the age of 16 (in line with “The Flexible Working (Amendment) Regulations 2009”
- Caring responsibilities for other dependents (spouse, parents etc.)
Category 2: Those doctors in training with:-
- Unique opportunities for personal/professional development not necessarily medically related
Category 3: Those doctors in training who:-
- Choose to train LTFT as a personal choice that meets their individual professional or lifestyle needs. That choice is not subject to the judgement of anyone else and is only limited by service considerations.
Category 1 will always take priority, but every effort will be made to accommodate Category 2 as well
Category 3 is a pilot and is currently available trainee doctors in Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecology only.
SuppoRTT Champion
HEE NW SuppoRTT Webpage:
SuppoRTT is a national programme designed to improve the return to training experience for all trainees who have been out of training for 3 months or more. (Support for those Returning To Training)
Many trainees take time out of training for a number of reasons which can often vary in duration. This can include; Parental leave, OOPs, Carer’s leave and Sickness.
The role is to support you locally if you would like assistance returning to training. I can signpost you to additional courses if needed and can assist with a phased return to clinical training, involving HR and the rota master for your speciality.
See the process mapped out here
Broken link? email to let them know.